Thursday, January 6, 2011


Blogging is something I have wanted to do for a while, with little motivation to actually start.  Because of the pace of my life with a baby, wife, work, and grad school time was important.  Recently wrapping up my masters, the motivation for critical thinking must be done on my own.  The beauty of being out of school is I finally get to read books that have been on my list for years.  The purpose of this blog is to write what I am learning and how I am thinking as a Biblical minded Christian in a world that opposes Biblical Christianity.  This can range from politics and the christian citizen, to theology and history. Ultimately how does a Christian live in the world and have his Biblical worldview influence his entire life.  There are two areas I want to focus on.  The first is why Christians should and ought to be involved in their world in all facets of life.  The second is to asses my own learning, critical thinking skills, and continue to write and learn how to write and think well.  Unlike most blogs I will stand by what I write, though over the course of years my ideas will probably change as I grow, mature and deepen my understanding of Biblical Christianity.  I have much to learn, this is just one way I am choosing to do so.  Feel free to respond, push back, encourage and challenge my thoughts.  May these ideas and thoughts be profitable to you in you growth and understanding of a Christian Worldview.

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